Fred Recruitment July Market Update

24 Jul 24


3 min read

What an interesting and evolving landscape this month has been, both economically and internally here at Fred.

Let’s get the technical stuff out of the way. We all no doubt picked up on the change of language around the latest OCR announcement. Although remaining the same, there was a sense of optimism that the down-turn has finally slowed. Delivered with less ‘doom and gloom’ terminology, it gave us a little pep in our step, and feels like we might be at the start of a turning point here. This in conjunction with most of the major banks dropping their latest interest rates on fixed term mortgages, we’re seeing these are having major impacts on the mood of the business landscape here in NZ, and have found that most of the clients we are speaking to are feeling a little more business confidence.

The general consensus is that while not quite out of it yet, that the end of the year will start to see small flurries of growth and positivity returning to some markets.

As we go through the year and meet with many businesses discussing their staffing needs it’s very evident that almost all are experiencing the same impacts. Hiring needs are still down turned – that said, team fatigue is real so temp resource is a popular solution to prevent burn out. Hiring managers continue to report excessively high volumes of applicants, but don’t enjoy the process of screening hundreds of CV’s. Watch this space – Fred is working on an affordable solution for businesses that still want to outsource at least some of this process!

Now, onto the fun stuff! Whilst it feels very much against the trend, Fred has doubled in size!  This July we’ve onboarded 4 new Freddies to the team.

Pictured Left to Right: Bec Groves (Senior Consultant) Hayley Wilmhurst (Recruitment Consultant) Lucy Larkman (Senior Consultant)

Bec, Hayley and Lucy all have incredible recruitment abilities; all bringing impressive backgrounds in recruitment, acting as amazing talent partners for their clients over the years. We’re stoked to have them on the team. They bring a fresh and vibrant approach to recruitment as well as keeping us entertained on the daily with their humour and hilarious antics.

New Senior Leadership Member – Khalid Elazrag

We’ve also welcomed Khalid Elazrag (pictured below) to the team in a Consultant Director capacity, who brings a huge amount of experience within Management, Recruitment and Business Operations and Strategy. We’re lucky to have his breadth of experience in the biz. With a skill for understanding business overview, he can offer your business invaluable support when finding the right people for your teams. Feel free to get in touch:

All in all, it’s been a bit of a journey this year, and we appreciate it’s been challenging for businesses and employees. With that said, there’s a lot to look forward to and we’re excited to see where the rest of this year takes us, celebrating the small wins along the way. We look forward to staying in touch with you.

The team at Fred.

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